Week 3/4 (Double Post)

Well, now that I am settled in, finally getting on my assessments, which are papers. Not really a lot of busy work, just show up to class, participate and research for your essay. Pretty much it. It is easier in a way, as the task(s) is much more straightforward, but it also tests your discipline to be on top of everything. I would give myself a decent grade on that, but could do a lot better.

Got to go see my godfather again, and also explore the east of England as well. Nice to have mini-“holidays” in the midst of being 6,000 miles from home. Getting the train here is quite an experience, as you are rushing from one station to the other, sometimes almost a quarter mile away, in less than a couple of minutes. Haven’t missed on yet though and proceeded to each destination relatively on time. Wish those back in the US were half as efficient.

Finally figured out why the soft drinks seem so dull over here. Carbonation. The only relevant explanation.

Am going to see Poland in November. Also going to see the death camps. Since so many in the world believe the Holocaust is a myth, and others are unsure, I thought I would go see firsthand to tell them how stupid this notion is. A big reason why I am a history major. For if we even forget ever so slightly, we are doomed not so much to repeat the past, but to allow falsehoods to destroy our future.


Inside a Church of Ireland cathedral in Belfast. This is commemorating the war dead of the UK.


A flag protest in front of City Hall in Belfast. The “Unionists” (pro-UK and Protestant) want the British flag to fly at all times, rather than on special holidays. The current policy is designed not to upset the “Nationalists” (pro-Ireland and Catholic).


Cossack, a half Shire, half Clydesdale. Part of a heavy horse rescue, he is the independent one. He has his stall opened almost everyday and is allowed to roam on all the paths and fields and he goes back into his stall whenever he wants. Very smart and very obedient.


One thought on “Week 3/4 (Double Post)

  1. I’m glad you’re having so many opportunities to experience history. When you go to Poland try to use the DIVE technique described in the “while abroad” assignment when you write a post about the experience. This technique is great for historians and anthropologists. Also, using this technique to write about what you’re experiencing and observing increases learning and understanding for you and for the readers of this blog. Michele

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