Week 2 Post

Hi all! All I can really say is WOW! Mexico is so amazing. I have learned so much just in the short time I have been here. This past weekend we went to Bernal and hicked to the middle point. What a view! Even though my feet were pretty tired it was well worth it to see the view from the top. I have included a few pictures of our trek. Once we got of the mountain, we were able to go through town, looking at all of the wonderful items that the people of Bernal made. I purchased several items for gifts for my family. I think that it has finally become “real” about being in a different country and learning all about the differences between the US and here. Im in classes most of the day so I really dont get out into the city much, but I can say that my host family is amazing, and I dont think I could have picked a better match for me than then company did. This weekend we are going to D.F. and I am pretty excited for that. Cant wait to see what all this weekend has to offer. Screen shot 2013-07-10 at 8.27.56 PM

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2 thoughts on “Week 2 Post

  1. Bernal sound beautiful. What kinds of things do the people of Bernal make for sale? Local arts and crafts reveal so much about a people. I would enjoying learning more. Michele

    • Some of the crafts that are made at Bernal include, masks, small figuring of the people, and most importantly religious items. Im really not sure what the connection is, but on Sundays Bernal is packed with people worshiping as they climb. I believe that because of the height of Bernal, there must be something with being closer to God. It is very cool to see the Love and support the people share for this great monolith and their God.

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