Searching for General Information on a Chemical Topic

In this exercise you will build an annotated bibliography for the topic "insect control using hormones and pheromones."

Begin your search by defining, using the define operator in Google, the terms hormone and pheromone. With the skills you developed in Week 2, learn a little about the use of hormones and pheromones in insect control. Next, use the Library's online catalog to develop a list of relevant treatises, monographs, and/or books on this topic that are available through the Hamersly Library. You must include at least two resources that are available in print in the library and two "e-books" available through the library's online access. Complete your search using the databases listed in the Library's Chemical Literature Research Guide to find three journal articles (published no more than 30 years ago) relevant to this topic. You might need to get a copy of your articles via the interlibrary loan if they are not available in full text at WOU.

Write a short discussion of how both hormones and pheromones are used in insect control (1 page summary) and append your bibliography to this summary. The bibliography you generate will be an annotated bibliography. In addition to the standard bibliographical information, you are to include a description of what is discussed in each of the works you found that relates to the topic (~150 words or less per annotation). Read the materials in the Week #3 section of Moodle to learn how to write these annotations,    For each entry in your bibliography, indicate if it is an example of primary, secondary or tertiary literature.

Choose one of the journal articles that you included in your annotated bibliography to do the following: Underline and annotate a copy of the article as described in the Moodle class materials about reading scientific articles. Write a summary (no more than 1 page) of this article.

Chemistry has its own conventions for writing bibliographic citations which will be different than those used in classes you have taken in other disciplines. These citation conventions are found in The ACS Style Guide and are what you must use in your annotated bibliography. Your citations will be formatted following the conventions for end-of-article reference lists. You may use an online citation generator, however, you should check each of the generated references to make sure it does correspond to the style conventions found in the ACS Style Guide. Ultimately, you will be graded on the basis of the style guide reference system, so check to make sure the automated system gives you the correct style for each of your references. If the citation generator gives an incorrect citation, it will still be graded as incorrect on your assignment. NOTE: You will be responsible for being able to write citations for journal articles and books on your final quiz.

This assignment is to be submitted as either one or two document files via Moodle. Document 1 will be a pdf file containing your two summaries and the annotated bibliography. Your file must be named according to the following convention:


Example: Assign2_CourtneyA_AnnBib.pdf


Do not use any other type of file name. You must include your name and the name of the assignment on a cover page for all documents submitted in this class. The underlined and annotated journal article can be uploaded as a separate pdf file. This can be done by using a scanner or mobile scanning app. Alternatively, you can take a picture of each of the pages, put them into a word processing document and save it as a pdf file. This document is to be uploaded either as part of your written assignment ( a one file submission) or as a separate file (two file submission). If you are submitting two files, the second file must use the file naming convention:


Example: Assign2_CourtneyA_AnnBib_2.pdf



Direct suggestions, comments, and questions about this page to Arlene Courtney,